A tech organisation who provide of open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver Linux, hybrid cloud, edge, and Kubernetes technologies. We are committed to making our story about you and your successful journey, serving as an insightful and resourceful partner.

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Nginx Fastcgi Cache Purge Preload For WordPress

Nginx FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload For WordpressSupercharge Your Website Performance Today!Upgrade the Premium Basic $0/year Limited Support View Features ✪ Cache Purge Cache Preload Optimize Preload Real-time Status User-Friendly Admin Notices Clean&Lightweight Code E-Mail Notifications Responsive Design Per-website yearly price Try Me Premium $49/+VAT Per-website yearly price View Features ✪ All Basic Features Auto…

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WooCommerce Aras Kargo

WooCommerce – Aras Cargo Integration The woo-aras-setup.sh script does the following after being downloaded and run using bash: * Detects the supported Linux distribution and installs the required runtime packages for Woo-Aras Automation. * For package installation it relies on distribution repositories except ‘jq’ and ‘column’ (not uniq in all distros) * Creates new working…